Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 This morning, with the election not yet clearly decided and the airwaves and social media filled with accusation, hatred,  and complete dismissal of anyone who dared to vote differently than you, I was in danger of falling into a pit of despair.

However, after making the coffee, I took a journey through my Bible and the great mind of C.S. Lewis, and was comforted. While I still grieve over the division in my country, Hebrews and “Jack” reminded me that this is not my home.  I think spending the month doing Narnia paintings is also helping me remember that I have been made for a different country. 

While in my imagination, I frequently think of that “other country” as Narnia, in reality I know that God has something even more wonderful prepared. I was lucky enough to discover Narnia when I was a Religion Major at my college. Thus, as I discovered so many truths in the stories and in the multiple other Lewis books I devoured in my free time, I was also deeply involved with questions of theology and scripture.  It was a fascinating and exciting time for the younger me.

Now, the older me is encouraged to know that the things I learned back then have held true over many years, many joys, and indeed the greatest sorrows of life on earth. The minute I put my scripture/Narnian glasses back on, I remember where my hope resides.  In addition, I remember that how I respond to the challenges of life matters eternally.  Instead of hiding under my bed, I realize I must indeed go about my day spreading love, grace, mercy, peace, and forgiveness regardless of what anyone else is doing. This is because my citizenship is in Heaven where those values are supreme.

Yes, Narnia is an imaginary world and Heaven is not yet fully my home. But. But the desire for that “far country” remains deep within me and as I ponder these things, peace floods my heart once more.

Almost 9 years ago, Rob spoke of Patrick returning to him out of the mists one fine day.  He quoted Lewis when sharing his thoughts with us. Just the other day I painted the lamppost which is central to the story of Narnia. I walked away as the watercolor dried and when I returned, the misty dreamy look of the piece had appeared.  It was not planned by me at all.  

Today, as I reflect on the magic of watercolor and on the way we see things as if through a “glass darkly” (1 Cor.13:12) I gaze again at this little painting and I am now ready to proceed with my day. Thanks be to God.

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