Friday, October 23, 2020

Further Up and Further In

 As fall slowly, teasingly arrives in the Piedmont, my heart both lightens and grows heavy.  This odd combination increases with the gorgeous skies, the brilliant leaves, open windows and the blessed relief of cooler days and evenings.  It increases too with shorter days and the growing awareness that the holiday season will soon be upon us. 

Our family was to have had a full and wonderful reunion at the beach this Thanksgiving.  Some will still gather, but the strange world of Covid 19 will keep many away. This is painful in a jumbled sort of way that is hard to explain. Suffice it to say we would have been joyfully welcoming dear friends we had not seen in years—friends who know and understand on a deep level how the beach will forever be bittersweet due to the fact that our family was gathered there nine years ago this Christmas when Patrick was called Home.

The older I get, the more vital it becomes to simply “go with it” in all situations which are bittersweet.  One of the ways I find available to me is to receive grace by reflecting often on the unchanging character of God.  He is good. He is present and He will never leave me.  This fall, my heart is opened to receive this grace as I prepare for the art challenge, “Narnia November.” 

In the final book about Narnia comes the phrase, “further up and further in,” a joyful invitation to explore the unending delights of Aslan’s country.  Therefore, as I plan and sketch and listen again to the great old stories, I am drawn further up and into my understanding of not only God’s character but my own—and those things which bring believers closer to Him: courage, honor, truth. joy, humility, love.  

Last night I was working on Aslan’s impossible task as I might as well try to draw the eyes of God.  However, in doing the best I could, I was led to ponder the depth of His love for me, the fact that I am His child, and that He is my Father in Heaven.  My spirit felt drawn further up and into His great love for me and for this world and I find myself filled with hope this morning.

Nothing has changed today in regard to weather, or sunlight, or politics, or grief.  But I am changed from the inside. The bitter has shifted to make room for the sweet. And I am thankful.

“See the great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John3:1

Saturday, October 17, 2020

One More Time 😉

 Good morning friends. In pondering a way to express my thoughts and art in a peaceful environment, I decided to try a blog one more time. I will attempt to post a link to Facebook and Instagram as well as offer a way to follow this blog via email.

It feels awkward to think anyone might choose to actually follow me, but I still feel a desire to share my art and sewing along with a few thoughts as they occur to me.  The increasingly hostile world of social media makes me turn here to Blogger where only those who really choose to see my work or hear my thoughts may find me and respond if they would like.

It feels like a more gentle and safer way to express myself and may offer an alternative to my friends who do not use Instagram.  

Included here will also be my continued reflections on the life journey of grief over losing my son Patrick.  Even as the 9th anniversary of his death approaches this Christmas season, I feel the need to share the journey not only with those who are also traveling but also with those of you not intimately acquainted with child loss. 

My reflections will all be from the perspective of my faith, and I hope to express them in a way that is honoring to God.

If over time, you find that my little blog is a blessing, that would be wonderful. If not, I would trust you feel free to simply not follow me here. Our friendship is certainly not dependent on following me at all.

So, one more time, here we go! 

After going back to my initial post, I recalled my intention to share some of my art on here. I’m not sure it is necessary, but I will uploa...